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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Chemotherapy Treatment For Lung Cancer - Is it Your Best Option?

Treating cancer is always very difficult, dangerous and painful. People have to go through a lot of suffering and pain, to have any chance at all. When lung cancer is not discovered early, then in most cases the patient sooner or alter ends up dying. The last moments of a cancer patient is are always very painful. But should this really be that way? Is chemotherapy treatment for lung cancer the best option?

We would all like to think, that doctors look out for our best interests and use treatments, that are the most effective. But unfortunately this is not the case, especially when it comes to treating cancer. The reason is very simple - money. Drug companies make huge profits selling drugs and other less expensive methods like natural cures and alternative treatments, would rapidly decrease their profits.

These days you can find drug ads everywhere, it is all about profits and how effective these drugs really are does not matter. In 2001 different drug companies spent around 15.7 billion dollars on TV and print ads. The message of these ads are very simple, "got a problem, take drugs."

Nobody is telling us to eat healthy, get our vitamins and minerals and exercise regularly. Each person who has lung cancer, or wants to know more about alternative cancer treatment, has to do their own research. There are a lot of very simple and effective vitamins, minerals and supplements, that help us fight against cancer and other diseases, much more effectively then chemotherapy ever can.

Over 350 gentle and non-toxic natural and alternative cancer treatments. Over 2,000 testimonials from people who used these treatments to beat their cancer. If cancer has touched your life " please, download these ebooks NOW.

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