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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mesothelioma Cancer - You Deserve Compensation

The mesothelioma is a dreaded cancer affecting the mesothelium of lungs, abdomen, and heart. The causative factor determined is the asbestos exposure that leads to death in several workers related to asbestos industry every year. The sad part is that the appearance of the symptoms occurs at very late stage after around 3 to 4 decades of asbestos exposure. That's the reason why there is so much difficulty in diagnosing mesothelioma cancer in early stages.

No doubt the employers who made this exposure for these workers are guilty. It is employers' duty to protect their employees at any cost while they work for them and give them hefty profits. Failing to do this is an offense and horrific suffering of mesothelioma certainly demands huge compensation from these careless employers. However, due to lots of years elapsed between exposure and occurrence of symptoms, the sufferer and his family needs an expert lawyer who can seek compensation from the guilty employers.

What can be done to seek compensation?

• Firstly taking a decision to approach a mesothelioma attorney is very crucial. Yes, in the tricky times while juggling between hospital visits, bearing terrible pains, breathlessness, and hiring a legal support system may sound weird. Even the relatives are in fizzy as to what to do. But as is said mesothelioma patient needs quite a lot financial support to go through the huge investigation schedules, treatment patterns, and clinical trials. So, decide first to seek justice and everything else will run smoothly.

• Today mesothelioma attorney is a special faculty altogether and one can secure help from lawyers even online.

• The patient and/or his relative can consult the attorney online and call him to know the status of his case. In cases where the causative factor can be traced perfectly, there are very few hurdles in securing compensation.

• The mesothelioma lawyers will tell you the procedures and he will work on your behalf. Most patients can get compensation by completing legal work online itself and they need not visit courts.

• Just giving all the information correctly and as accurately as possible helps one get through the case easily and no doubt the compensations got are huge.

Apart from legal help the mesothelioma cancer patients need a psychological counseling too. Going through this tragedy is certainly not easy. But with apt support system, the journey becomes bit easy. Also the patients' nutritional needs should be maintained in order to improve treatment compliance.

It is rightly said that mesothelioma must be handled with utmost care while considering all these points and only then this life battle may be won. Even if the patient dies, the family can file a lawsuit for the compensation, because it is the family that undergoes huge financial and mental burden due to the entire scenario. Hope, we understand fast the effectiveness of preventive attitude while working enthusiastically during our tenure and our employers understand the importance of employee safety, so that we will never have to see the day when we will lie helplessly struggling with mesothelioma!

How Lung Cancer Affects Other Organs and Body Parts

Every human being wants to be fit and health till the time they live. But, with population increasing and competition rising, people are adopting unfair means to reach higher position and earn more money. This is not only affecting their health but also harming the society. The stress of work is making them to adopt short comfort intakes be it cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, life staking steroids, drugs and so on.

The rate at which people are dying is on rising scale. Due these habits, people are getting affected by the most dreadful disease named "Lung Cancer". The lung cancer survival rate is basically low as this disease spreads at a faster rate compared to other cancers.

Today, we have many lung cancer treatment centers that are exclusively specialized in curing this ailment. Research has shown that Lung cancer is counted under the most life-threatening disease as the cancer in the lungs spreads typically at the high ratio than other cancers like kidney cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer and so on. The most particular body organs that are affected by this cancer are liver, brains, adrenal glands and bone.

And, to know this, one of the best ways is assessing the extent to which the lungs are being affected, known as lung cancer staging. Through this examination we can know the stage of the cancer that a person is affected. It helps in curing the disease easily to an extent. Many methods are available for conducting this test.

Most of the nations both developed and under developed have hospitals that conduct the lung cancer surgery. But, the pitfall here is, not every patient is fit for this operation. Some of the limiting factors or reasons are the stage of cancer, the number of cells affected and the place of cancer.

The Author "Tom Schavo" is an expert Health adviser who worked for several multinational Companies. Although a professional with rich experience, he quit his position in these companies to finally open up his own Health consulting forum. He also provides free advise on all the latest health developments in market and runs a site on Health Care

Get the Right Asbestos Lawsuit Lawyer For Your Compensation Claim

An asbestos lawsuit is often the only way for victims of asbestos induced diseases, such as mesothelioma, asbestosis and certain kinds of lung cancer, to recover monetary compensation for what has been done to them and their families. The defendants in mesothelioma asbestos law suits are typically employing companies of the building supply and production industry.

The purpose of an asbestos litigation is to prove that your employer can be held responsible for the damage that was caused to your health as a result of not providing you with the adequate safety measures while you were at your working place. The goal is to get compensated for things like lost wages, medical expenses related to the asbestos induced disease, etc.

It goes without saying that it is of paramount importance to team up with a top mesothelioma asbestos lawyer. He will not only be able to help you to answer all the questions you may have, but also represent and speak in your behalf, either in a court procedure or by dealing with the insurance company of the defendant, in the event that a compensation settlement can be agreed upon before trial.

It might be a good idea to do some research on asbestos lawyers to check if they can provide you with a proven track record of cases that they were able to handle successfully for their clients. Some asbestos lawsuit attorneys publish their cases on their websites.

But there is also another critical point that you should take into consideration. Make sure that you are comfortable with your lawyer on a personal level, too. An asbestos law suit can last for quite a while, especially if the plaintiff denies his responsibility for your health condition.

Therefore, you need to keep in mind that you might have to work with your lawyer for an extended period of time until your case can be closed.

The author Tony Ulrich was diagnosed with kidney cancer in October of 2009. In his research on what his cancer could have been caused by, he came across with data that suggests a strong link to environmental toxics, such as asbestos. Please visit his Kidney Cancer

Removing Asbestos

During the 1950s to the 1970s, asbestos was a very popular material in the building and construction industry, nowadays, many people are removing asbestos from their homes and workplaces as people have become more aware of the potential health risks and dangers associated with the substance.

Asbestos history shows it being used as a brilliant insulator and the fact that it was fireproof was a great bonus to its list of features. Little to their knowledge, the material is actually deadly to living beings and, today, people are spending a lot of money and time removing asbestos from their properties so as to meet health and safety standards as well as providing a healthy living environment for themselves and their families.

Removing asbestos needs to be done by professionals as it is a highly hazardous substance which is volatile and lethal for humans. The fibers need to be disposed of correctly and the procedure must be performed with precision and care so that there are no fibers remaining on the site after the contractors are finished with the work. Construction that was built before 1986 now needs to be inspected for asbestos so that they are sure all the substance has been cleared from any home or building which is being inhabited by humans. The cost for removing it is far better than the cost of life which can be caused by simply ignoring the problem and leaving the asbestos on the site.

The first thing you must do before removing asbestos in a building is to ascertain exactly where it is located. Since it was traditionally used for insulation purposes, it is generally found in attics, roof spaces, walls and basements. You also need to know how much of it there is and make sure that an expert comes in and checks the rest of the house for anymore areas which contain asbestos and might have been overlooked. Once you are sure you have found all the asbestos in the building and are aware of where is it then you can think of the best way in which to remove it safely.

It is vital that any asbestos removal be performed by people who have undertaken specific asbestos removal training courses are able to remove the material without jeopardizing the integrity of building, placing anyone's life in danger and also, by adhering to all the healthy sand safety standards and regulations which are required by the authorities and building agencies.

As well as asbestos removal being a sensitive and delicate process, the disposal of the material needs to be done with the utmost of care so that the fibers are not released into the atmosphere. The fibers need to be contained and protected from the elements before they are disposed of in a final and complete way by the team of professionals. The company who is hired to remove and dispose of any asbestos needs to hold all the necessary permits required for their proceedings and make sure that the authorities are made aware of all the materials and where they have been removed from and their process following the start of removing asbestos, right up until their final disposal and destruction.

A Small Light is Flickering at the End of the Lung Cancer Tunnel

Anyone who has read any of my articles or anything I've written knows by now that I enjoy a good book or movie. A way to escape for a short period of time, away from the worry of bills, money, cancer and the rest of the things in the world that demand so much of our attention. A very well written book or a well-produced and directed movie can really do the trick. Something that challenges your thought process or even your beliefs, makes you ask yourself "what would I do in that circumstance," would I make the right decision the right move what would I do different.

My case in point book is The Dead Zone by Stephen King. The Dead Zone was published in 1979 and made into a movie in 1983 starring Christopher Walken in the lead role of Johnny and Martin Sheen as politician Greg Stillson. The movie varies a little from the novel but holds the same tone. If you are not familiar with it, I'll give you the readers digest version. Man has auto accident, ends up in a coma, comes out of coma, finds out he has developed a form of extrasensory perception called Psycometry which is the ability to read objects by coming into contact with them causing him to have visions of events related to the object. He saves some lives, solves some crimes all the while becoming a little weaker. While attending a political rally, he comes into contact with nut job Stillson. Johnny grasps his hand and has a vision of Stillson becoming President of the United States and launching the world into a nuclear holocaust just because he can. He knows he must do something to alter Stillsons path and begins to formulate a plan.

Here comes the reason I'm telling you this story. The part that makes you think a little. In a very pivotal part of the book Johnny asks a World War One veteran who had lost his son during World War Two this question, "Knowing what you know today if you could go back in time to 1932, before the second war, before the holocaust and kill Hitler, would you do it."

What would you do?
Here's a question that I have asked myself a few times, "Knowing what I know now, would I have ever started smoking"? Or even better yet, if someone would have come to me ten years ago and said if you stop smoking and alter a few things about the way you take care of yourself you could avoid lung cancer a decade from now?


What if I told you that there is a test that has recently been developed and tested and that with a simple questioner, and a swab of the inside of your mouth,you will know your future as far as lung cancer is concerned. You could alter your own fate; spare your family and friends the anguish that is a part of treatment that comes along with lung cancer.

The test is called Respiragene it was developed from the research conducted by a Brilliant scientist from New Zealand named Dr. Robert P. Young.

Dr.Young has also provide us with extensive research regarding the use of statins and the positive effects shown as far as the anti-inflammatory effects in not only the arteries but also the lungs and therefore becomes a very viable treatment for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Another exciting benefit of statin treatments is a reduced risk of lung cancer.

Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease die primarily from complications of smoking, specifically coronary artery disease (CAD), COPD related complications (respiratory failure with or without chest infection), lung cancer and stroke. Collectively these account for over 80% of deaths in COPD. CAD is the most common cause followed by lung cancer and then other COPD related complications.

Although smoking exposure has a central role in both COPD and Lung Cancer only approximately 10 to 15% of chronic smokers develop lung cancer while 20 to 30% develop COPD
Here's the kicker kids, Epidemiological studies show that smokers with COPD are at a considerably higher risk of lung cancer than smokers with normal lung function.

So the common theory is one of the which comes first the chicken, represented by COPD or the egg, represented by lung cancer. There is growing evidence that they both result from common pathological responses to inflammatory process in the lung and that the individual smoker's response to these processes are genetically determined.

Let me try and make this so easy even I can understand what I'm talking about. If you are a past or present smoker you run the risk of developing a lung disease that can steer you right into lung cancer and we all know that lung cancer is the leading killer among the cancer family.

We'll come back to our conversation regarding statin therapy and COPD in another article because what we really need to talk about, what is truly important today is your health.

In mid December I received e-mail from Tracy Sestili the CEO and Founder of the Beverly Fund a lung cancer organization doing great things from their base in California. I have a lot of respect for Tracy so when she was excited enough to get in touch with me immediately after hearing Dr.Young, I knew it had to be something special. I was right; it was my first introduction to the non-invasive early detection test called Respiragene.

Tracy then introduced me to Stephen Markscheid the CEO of Synergenz BioScience, Inc. the producers of the Respiragene test.

Stephen sent all the information including scientific background, studies anything I asked for in a very upfront, straightforward manner, which helped cement, the legitimacy of the product.

I met with Mr. Markscheid in Chicago in the early part of January and at the conclusion of that meeting had offered up my services to assist in spreading the word about this test. Keep in mind the GFLCCO has not supported any pharmaceutical company or endorsed any other product. We do not take these things lightly and will not knowingly do anything that would damage the reputation that we strive to uphold. That being said, I believe that this could provide some needed light at the end of the tunnel. Lung cancer will flat out kill the majority of people who contract it; there is no way around the facts of that matter. So if you know that a straight up fight does not provide you with the best odds of winning, you start looking for advantages. Well here it is, How do you beat cancer, you avoid it. You step out of the path of the moving bus before it gets anywhere near you. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that smoking causes approximately 440,000 premature deaths in the U.S. annually, at the same time reports show that if you quit smoking, in a ten-year time frame your lungs can be back to full health.

80% remember this number for me will you please, 80%; we'll get back to that in a moment.

Once again I ask, if you could alter your fate today for the sake of your family if not yourself, would you do it? Would you step back out of the street and onto the curb to avoid the bus that you can see two blocks away that is screaming out of control towards you, or will you stand in the street and die a needless and very preventable death.

Here is what is involved in a Respiragene test.
1) DNA is obtained by a simple mouth swab
2) You answer three questions in regards to non-genetic risk factors
3) Your physician receives your test results back about two weeks after your sample and questionnaire are received.
Your results will place you in a "moderate risk": smokers and ex-smokers in this category are 20 to 30 times more likely to develop lung cancer then a non-smoker, "High" 4 times more likely then the average smoker to develop lung cancer or "Very high" Ten times more likely to develop lung cancer than the average smoker.

Respiragene is the only test of its type to help identify smokers and ex-smokers at greatest risk of lung cancer.

Ok, so you take the test and get the results now what?

Let me tell you. Options, you have now given yourself options, your future has been told and now you must decide if you're a very high risk what are you willing to do right then and there to change your fate. If your moderate risk you are still at a 20 to 30 times greater risk of lung cancer ending your life.

Talk to your physician about the test, contact your health insurance provider and ask about coverage for the Respiragene test. Talk to your employer about making sure that this test is available as a preventative procedure or covered as a part of a smoking Cessation program.

Read and do some research. Be proactive when it comes to your health and your life.

There are so many programs to help you quit even if you have tried and failed before, treatments that can help you heal your lungs over time. All you need to do is take the first step, look for the light at the end of the tunnel it's there and it's called Respiragene.

One last thing, what was that number I asked you to remember? Oh yeah, 80%

80% of those diagnosed with lung cancer are dead within two years. I was diagnosed in the spring of 2007; whatever time I have remaining is dedicated to fighting and beating lung cancer.