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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Staging Methods For Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a cancer with a high fatality rate. It attacks the different linings of the body, which can include the membrane of the heart, abdomen, lungs, and even testicles. This deadly disorder is most often caused by exposure to asbestos, but mesothelioma may take decades to appear after your exposure.

As with any type of cancer, doctors must do many tests after your initial diagnosis to determine the stage of your cancer. Figuring out the progression of your disease is important so that doctors know exactly how aggressively they should treat your disorder.

With mesothelioma, there are three different ways to determine the stage of the cancer. These are the TNM, Brigham, and Butchart staging systems. These three methods look at different aspects of cancer to predict the spread of the disease.

TNM. This is the primary staging system for cancer, developed by the American Joint Committee on Cancer, or AJCC. The T stands for tumor, and it refers to the size and spread of the tumor. N is for the spread to lymph nodes. Lastly, M is for malignancy. Malignant tumors are ones that can spread from the bloodstream to organs much further away in the body. Malignant tumors are the deadly tumors, whereas benign tumors cannot spread and are not typically considered fatal.

Brigham. This is actually the newest staging system for malignant mesothelioma. It was developed in Boston, Massachusetts, at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Brigham and Women's Hospital Thoracic Oncology Program. It is similar to the TNM method in that it considers the spread of cancer to the lymph nodes. The Brigham system's main goal is to determine whether the mesothelioma can be treated, or if the tumors can be removed by surgery.

Butchart. The Butchart system of staging is the oldest method to gauge the spread of mesothelioma-specific cancer. It was developed by cardiothoracic surgeon Eric Butchart in the 1970s, and it looks mainly at the size and spread of the primary tumor mass. It is a very helpful methodology that is still used today due to its simplicity.

After doctors have determined what stage of mesothelioma you have, you will have to discuss your treatment options. This may include surgery to remove the tumors, radiation to kill the cancerous cells, or chemotherapy. If you do not want to have a traditional treatment, you can turn to clinical trials and alternative methods like acupuncture or massage.

Mesothelioma can be a devastating disease. If you or someone you know has suffered from this terrible disorder as a result of illegal asbestos exposure, you should speak to a lawyer about possible financial compensation.

Getting Educated About Lung Cancer and Asbestos

Even though lung cancer rates continue to skyrocket, most people do not realize that tobacco products are not the only carcinogenic substances in our environment. In fact, there are many pollutants in the air that can easily cause serious damage to lung cells. Therefore, if individuals in your neighborhood or work area have lung cancer, it may be of some benefit to reassess your own risk for developing this particular disease.

As you may be aware, even a few small dust particles that have asbestos in them can cause lung cancer. Not so long ago, asbestos was commonly used in automobile brake linings. Regardless of how you look at it, each time these brakes were used, small particles of asbestos dust were released onto the highway, and into the air. If you work, or live near a highway, or a location where cars pass frequently, you may be at a higher risk for developing lung cancer caused by asbestos particles. This is just one of many reasons why you should take every precaution possible to avoid walking on dusty streets, or any other area where break lining debris may have been deposited.

At the current time, the escalating number of asbestos related cancers is being attributed to exposure that occurred several decades ago. Nevertheless, one cannot ignore the fact that each person may still come into contact with asbestos particles on a daily basis. In fact, you may even be surprised that there are a number of other hidden sources of asbestos in your environment.

Over the last few years, "natural" or stone jewelry has become very popular. In particular, the luster and shine associated with red, blue, and brown Tiger Eye tends to attract many people. Oddly enough, that beautiful shine comes from asbestos fibers housed within the jewelry. While there are no statistics related to this form of asbestos and cancer, it may be of some benefit to avoid Tiger Eye jewelry that has not been sealed with some type of polyurethane or other coating.

Chances are, you already realize that odor comes from tiny particles that get released into the air. For example, if you love the smell of roses, you are actually inhaling tiny particles from the flower. If you have ever held natural Tiger Eye, then you will immediately recognize that it has a distinct odor. Unfortunately, many people do not consider that some of those microscopic particles may, in fact, be bits of asbestos. It is also very important to realize that there will always be a bit of excess dust after a stone is polished. No matter how many times you wash a stone, it can take years, or even decades before each and every molecule of dust gets shaken loose.

In many cases, doctors can tell the difference between lung cancers caused by asbestos and ones caused by other carcinogenic substances. That said, it is equally important to realize that multiple types of cancer can exist at the same time. Considering the nature of lung cancers caused by asbestos, it is not inconceivable to conclude that cancers caused by asbestos are actually masked by the presence of other tumor types.

Under these circumstances, the best thing you can do is make sure that you stay away from as many sources of asbestos dust as possible. You should also make sure that you have yearly lung cancer screening in order to detect tumors as quickly as possible. Make sure you are getting your annual chest x-ray and when necessary, a chest cat scan; early detection can save your life.

The Different Stages of Mesothelioma

To treat all types of cancer, doctors typically first decide the stage of the disease before they formulate a plan to fight it. Mesothelioma, a cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, is no exception. This type of cancer attacks the different linings of the body, such as the abdomen (peritoneal), heart (pericardial), lungs (pleural), and even testicles.

Mesothelioma has only been acknowledged as a disease separate from other cancers since the late 1950s. Perhaps this explains why there is no one method that doctors use to determine the stage of the cancer progression. In fact, there are actually three different methodologies to choose from in diagnosing the stage of infection.

First, the Butchart staging system is the oldest way to figure out the level of tumor spread. It primarily looks at the size and spread of the original tumor. The stages of mesothelioma, according to the Butchart scale, are:

Stage 1 - Mesothelioma is in the right or left pleural lining of the lung. It may have also spread to the lung itself, heart lining, or diaphragm.

Stage 2 - Tumors have spread to the esophagus. It may also be in both sides of pleural lining, as well as heart and lymph nodes.

Stage 3 - Mesothelioma has spread from pleural form to peritoneal. If it has attacked the lymph nodes in the chest, the ones in the abdomen may be under attack as well.

Stage 4 - Metastasis has occurred, meaning that tumors are in distant organs.

Next, the Brigham staging system is a new way to look at mesothelioma that looks at the cancer as how it can be treated at that point.

Stage I - The tumor can still be removed by surgery. It has not yet spread to the lymphatic system.

Stage II - The tumor can be removed by surgery, but the difference is that the lymph nodes are now affected.

Stage III - Mesothelioma can no longer be removed by surgery, and has spread to the abdomen, heart, chest wall, or diaphragm. It does not matter the stage of the lymph nodes.

Stage IV - The tumor has completely metastasized and has spread to all areas of the body, including distant organs.

Lastly, a system used for other cancers is called the TNM. T is for tumor, N is for the lymph nodes, and M is for metastasis.

Stage I - The cancer is only present in the mesothelium, or the tissue that lines different areas of the body. Typically, it can be surgically removed at this point.

Stage II - The tumor is now in the lungs themselves, and possibly in the diaphragm, but may not be in the lymph nodes.

Stage III - The cancer may be in the peritoneum, as well as the mediastinum and lymph nodes beyond the chest cavity.

Stage IV - Like the other two systems, the tumors have appeared in other organs of the body. It may have invaded things like the heart, esophagus, and spine.

Causes of Lung Cancer

The smoking of cigarettes is principal cause of lung cancer worldwide. It is reported that 90% of all lung cancer cases are related to smoking of cigarettes. The greater the intake of cigarettes, the higher the chances of developing cancer of the lungs. Cigarette smoke is the major culprit and not just cigarettes. The reason why is that cigar and pipe smokers are at lesser risk of developing lung cancer than cigarette smokers. Second hand smoke is another cause of this cancer.

Passive smokers who inhale second hand smoke have a higher risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers who do not associate with smokers. Asbestos is another cause of cancer of the lungs. This is due to the continuous presence of asbestos fibers in the lung tissue of people until their deaths. Also, asbestos causes mesothelioma which is a cancer of the pleura of the lung. It is a form of lung cancer. This is a major ailment that afflicts those with long term exposure to asbestos. Many mesothelioma sufferers have successful sued U.S corporations and have won large settlements. Radon gas is a gas that is radioactive in nature and those exposed to it suffer the risk of mutations which can become cancerous. Radon gas is a gas existing in nature and its concentration varies from one location to the other.

It can penetrate through soil and leach into homes. Radon gas is the second leading cause of cancer of the lungs in the United States. Pollution from factories, cars and power plants is another cause of this cancer. Exposure to polluted air increases the risk of developing lung cancer. Do you know for instance that car exhaust is more carcinogenic that cigarette smoke? Knowing the above causes of lung cancer should instill in us a dread of cigarette smoking. We must also stay clear of asbestos and confirm radon gas levels in our homes. It is advisable you consult your doctor if you notice any symptoms of cancer or seek qualitative herbal treatments.

Mesothelioma Treatment Options - Basic Facts

Before we can start discussing about mesothelioma treatment options it is vital for us to have a clear understanding of what mesothelioma really is. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the linings of lungs and abdominal area caused mainly by exposure to asbestos fibers over an extended period. It would normally take a long time, anywhere between 30-40 years for mesothelioma to rear up from the time of exposure to asbestos. It is critical to catch this disease early and to treat it in the early stages otherwise it will mostly likely prove to be fatal. There are various mesothelioma treatment options available such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


There are basically two types of surgeries available for the treatment of mesothelioma, one being aggressive surgery and the other, palliative procedures. Beforethe surgeons start performing any surgery, it is important to check if the heart and lungs are have been affected by the disease or if they functioning properly. Of the two types of surgery, aggressive surgery, which is also known as Pneumonectomy, is a very complex and invasive surgery performed mainly on younger patients, who are good in health and can better bear the strains of the surgery. Pneumonectomy involves the removal of the excess cancerous pleural membrane. The main purpose of this is to remove as much tumor as possible surgically.

The less agressive surgery, palliative procedures is also known as Pleurectomy. This procedure is done in the early stages of the mesothelioma cancer. The process of this mesothelioma treatment involves the surgical removal of the pleura. This procedure is used more to lessen and control the symptoms rather than to cure the disease itself. This surgical procedure reduces the pain caused by the cancerous tumor and helps in preventing the recurrence of pleural effusion. The complete removal of tumor is not possible with this procedure.


Another mesothelioma treatment option is chemotherapy that combines the use of a variety of drugs for controlling and shrinking the tumor. The success rate is uncertain as some patients show only partial success to this method with the cancer going into remission. However, some combinations of chemotherapy drugs have proven to be successful. With extensive research into this disease, scientists are in the process of developing new chemotherapy drugs for mesothelioma treatments.

Radiation Therapy

Radiatio therapy is another option in the treatment of mesothelioma. It makes use of nuclear radiations that are targetted at the malignant cells to kill them and thus, shrink the tumor. Radiation therapy is however, an extremely difficult procedure to carry out as it can and will damage the healthy cells of the patient's heart, lungs, and other vital organs within the vacinity of the radiation dosage.

Treatment is not just confined to either or of these available treatment options. Combination therapies are also available whereby chemotherapy and radiation therapy are combined along with surgery. This combination helps in killing any remaining tumor cells left after surgery and in relieving symptoms such as pain.

Mesothelioma treatments are very expensive due to the sophisticated equipment, specialist skills required and the length of period required. However the patients suffering from mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases sustained while working can file lawsuits against their employers for recovery of damages, medical expenses, loss of income, lost earning capacity and pain and sufferings. The victims of this disease can seek help of expert asbestos attorneys in locating the defendants- persons/companies responsible for causing asbestos exposure.

Lung Cancer - Warning Signs and Symptoms

Lung cancer being the most fatal of all the cancers worldwide is regarded as one of the leading causes of death amongst both men and women in the U.S. It is the most universal form of cancer in men worldwide whereas, the fifth most common form of cancer in women.

In medical terminology, the malevolent transformation and expansion of lung tissues causes cancer in lungs, in simple words, the rapid growth of abnormal cells in the lungs leads to cancer which may start anywhere in the lungs and cause respiratory issues, healthy tissues are destroyed and invaded and the whole body is affected.

When examined under a microscope by a pathologist lung cancer can be of two types, namely:'

• Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC): This type of cancer accounts for 20% of lung cancer, with smoking being one of the most common causes for SCLC.
• Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): NSCLC is accountable for 80% of lung cancers, which have related symptoms. This includes Squamous cell carcinoma (also called epidermoid carcinoma), Large Cell Carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Treatment of cancer (lung) varies as it is based on the exact location and the extent of spread. Usually, there are no definite signs or symptoms in the early stages, as they only occur later in the advance stages.

It is only on a routine chest X-ray or CT scan that cancer (in the lungs) in the form of coin lesions, is detected in its tumour form which looks like a coin. Some of the symptoms of cancer (lung) include:

• A persistent cough which worsens with time
• Aggravation of an existing chronic cough
• Blood being coughed up
• Breathing difficulties such as shortness of breath accompanied by hoarseness and wheezing
• Constant chest pain
• Repeated attacks of bronchitis or pneumonia
• Swollen face and neck
• Unexplained weight loss and/or fatigue

Some other symptoms related with late-stage cancer (lung) include:

• Headache, bone pain, aching joints, bleeding or blood clots,
• Bone fractures not related to accidental injury,
• Neurologic symptoms- unsteady walk and/or intervallic memory loss.

The numbers of deaths caused by cancer (in the lungs) are more as compared to the total number of deaths caused by colon, prostate, ovarian, lymph and breast cancers combined. About 85% of lung cancer cases are due to cigarette smoking. This is based on the correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked and the number of years of indulging in the vice. However, the risk of developing lung cancer can be reduced by quitting smoking, as 90% of lung cancer is due to tobacco use.

Apart from cigarette smoking, other causes of Cancer (in the lungs) are increase in pollution levels, radiation and asbestos exposure.

Asbestos Lawyer - Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is often referred to as "asbestos disease" because it usually results from exposure to asbestos, either directly or indirectly. Lawyers are often needed by people suffering from mesothelioma, in order to obtain compensation from the relevant companies. The claims awarded are often considerable sometimes in excess of tens of millions of dollars.

Since some lawyers will often take on asbestos related cases on a "no win no fee" basis, it need not cost anything initially to get legal help in obtaining a settlement for mesothelioma. Also, since settlements are usually completed before the final court case, the person suffering from asbestos disease will rarely have to actually appear in court.

Finding the best lawyer to handle the case is obviously relevant. Most states in the US (as well as most areas in the UK, Canada and Australia, where most other cases occur) have lawyers who can handle such cases, but sometimes it might be better to work with a more accomplished lawyer from elsewhere. Some lawyers specifically state that they will work with claimants from various US states.

Jobs where workers are exposed to asbestos include shipbuilding, boiler making and lagging (because asbestos is used to insulate boilers), electricians, carpenters etc. (who might have to drill or cut asbestos), pipe fitters and plumbers (because asbestos is used to insulate pipes), motor mechanics (because asbestos is used for brake pads and clutches), fire fighters, and other occupations.

As well as obtaining compensation for the disease itself, claims can be made for travel expenses to medical facilities, care given (whether paid for or not), loss of earnings, items bought due to the disease, and loss to family members.

Someone with mesothelioma having made a claim for state benefits does not usually prevent a legal claim from being made.

Mesothelioma Litigation

Mesothelioma litigation first began in 1929. Since 1960 when it was established that exposure to asbestos can cause mesothelioma many more legal actions have taken place about this disease. Claims for mesothelioma can be large, sometimes totaling more than tens of millions of dollars.

It was established in 1965 that even indirect exposure to asbestos such as from washing clothes worn by someone who comes into direct contact with it, can cause mesothelioma which has led to further increases in the number of litigations made about this problem.

Mesothelioma, also known as "asbestos disease" is a rare form of cancer which typically occurs in only one in a million people. The symptoms can sometimes occur several decades after exposure to asbestos. This disease is most common where asbestos is mined, which includes USA, Canada and Australia, although can of course occur in any country where asbestos is used in any way.

Claims can include compensation for other things as well as just the disease itself. These other factors include loss of earnings, compensation from care provided whether paid-for or not, items purchased due to the disease, loss to other family members as well as travel to medical facilities. A claimant who has applied for state benefits is rarely prevented from making a claim although the claim amount can sometimes change.

There are many professions which bring workers into contact with asbestos. These include shipbuilders, boilermakers and laggers as asbestos was often used as lagging to insulate boilers, electricians, joiners, carpenters, and builders who cut or drill asbestos insulation while working, motor mechanics who are exposed to asbestos in brake pads and clutches, pipe fitters and plumbers who are exposed to asbestos pipe insulation, as well as fire fighters, police officers, managers, and other occupations.

Mesothelioma Prognosis

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which is relatively rare and typically affects approximately one in one million people. The usual cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos although it can be caused by exposure to other chemicals as well.

The medical word "prognosis" describes the likely outcome of a particular illness. The description can be fairly accurate when applied statistically to large numbers of people, but can never be all that certain when applied to an individual patient, so a prognosis for an individual patient is often given in terms of percentage likelihoods, as nothing is ever certain.

Studies have shown that most doctors are likely to be optimistic when delivering a prognosis to a patient.

A prognosis for a patient suffering from mesothelioma depends on a number of factors. The disease is often very difficult to diagnose at all until the late stages, because all the symptoms can also be indications of other diseases, and because many of the symptoms don't necessarily appear until decades after the asbestos exposure.

Some screening methods can help to determine if a patient is likely to develop mesothelioma later, but these are far from precise much of the time. While smoking on its own has not been shown to cause mesothelioma, it can increase the likelihood of developing the disease.

Treatment of mesothelioma includes radiation, surgery, immunology and chemotherapy, often used in combination. For example, a patient might first have surgery to remove most of the tumor, then chemotherapy and radiation targeted to what is left.

A mesothelioma prognosis can be helpful in determining which treatments to use, and of course can be used in litigation to help obtain compensation, which can be considerable (sometimes more than tens of millions of dollars).